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Important Message for Swim School Parents

Here at Neptune we've spent January working hard to install a new IT system to help manage our Swim School. There are two very important things we need all of our swim school parents to do to help us make sure the transition to the new system is as smooth as possible!

In this video our Managing Director, David Westbrook, explains some more about the new system and what we need you to do to help us to make sure we can stay in contact with you about your child's swimming. 

If you're unable to view the video here are the key points.

1. Please login to your member hub and check that all of your contact details are correct.
You should have received an email from KINETIC COURSES with details of how to login to your new member hub. This hub will replace your Home Portal and contains all of your contact details alongside details of your children's progress*. Please could you login to your member hub and check that all of you contact details are correct (email, telephone and address.) Going forward all of our Swim School messages (SMS and email) will come directly from the new system so please take time to check and update your details where necessary. If you have not received this email please could you complete this form and we will update your details for you and send you new login details.   

*Please be aware that our team are still being trained on how to use the new system so details of grading may not be up-to-date as this time. 

2. Please IGNORE the email you have from KINETIC COURSES regarding payment. 
The new software will eventually enable you to login and view your Go-Cardless Direct Debit payments. However, this is a little while away yet, so for now please ignore the email you have received regarding payment.    

You can read more about why we made the move to this new system here.

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