Social Enterprise that is providing access to warm water pools for the community's benefit.

Reopening the Hydrotherapy Pools

Hello to all our Hydrotherapy Pool Users,

Neptune Aquatic Solutions is so pleased to announce that following the government announcement on the 9th July regarding opening swimming and gym facilities that we will be opening Starfish Hydrotherapy Pool, Stourview Hydrotherapy Pool and Wyvern Hydrotherapy Pool from Saturday 25th July. Swimming lessons will resume from Monday 3rd August - Please read the statement here 

When we wrote the closure notice back in March, I thought we would be welcoming customers back in a few weeks time, it has been a very long 16 weeks and I know I speak for all the staff when I say they can't wait to welcome you back to our Hydrotherapy Pools. 

Over the next few weeks, there will be a range of information available on our website, on social media and sent out via email, these will be our covid-19 safe plan which is well on its way to being finalised. These documents will show and explain the changes to the way the hydrotherapy pools will operate. 

All our staff are going to spend the next few weeks undertaking a range of training courses and sessions to ensure that we are ready to welcome you back, so you can enjoy the hydrotherapy pools but maintain the level of new normal that we have all become accustomed to. 

During this lockdown we have had to make some very hard decisions to ensure that when the government did release us, that the services we offer will be able to continue and some of these changes are detailed below for you to read, there will of course be further details to follow. 

On a final note, I would like to publicly thank all of the Neptune Aquatic Solutions staff, they have been a credit to the Neptune name, they have engaged with the company throughout this time to help us plan, letting us know any concerns they may have and helping us to prepare for the reopening of the hydrotherapy pools. 

We look forward to seeing you from the 25th July onwards. 
(Swimming Lessons information will follow shortly on a separate blog)
David Westbrook
Managing Director 
Neptune Aquatic Solutions 
Just a little taste of some of the changes we are making 
  • When can I book my sessions

    Bookings will open on Friday the 17th July from lunchtime onwards, you will be able to book you sessions online via: 

    Starfish Hydrotherapy Pool

    Stourview Hydrotherapy Pool

    Wyvern Hydrotherapy Pool

  • Are Swimming Lessons returning

    Swimming Lessons information will follow shortly on a separate blog

  • Hydro4you - 45 mins

    As we will need to reduce the numbers of people attending our sessions, we have decided to make all hydrotherapy sessions 45 mins long, this will allow us to offer more sessions per week. 

    We have found that most people only use the pools for 45 mins, so this shouldn't affect people too much. 

  • Fee Increase

    Unfortunately, like everything we have been hit with increased costs in a range of areas such as cleaning supplies, new training protocols and reduced income levels, this has meant we have had no choice but to increase our fees to use the hydrotherapy pool. 

    Further details of these fees will be posted on our website and sent out via email shortly. However please make sure you read the class pass section, as there will be a huge change to the way we offer these. 

  • Class Pass

    Class pass will be undergoing one of the biggest changes, over the lockdown we have worked with customers to get their feedback on our services and many said they would like someone to help them with their exercises. As a result we will be bring in the MyHydro Journey class pass, this will be a 4, 8 or 12 week pass. 

    These class passes will get you unlimited access to any of our hydrotherapy sessions (hydro4you,hydro4fibro,hydrocise and hydro-hit) plus you will get a hydrotherapy exercise plan and monthly reviews of that plan by one of our specialist trained aquatic fitness instructors. Again more detail will follow on this shortly.

    If you still have sessions on your class pass you will be contacted shortly about theses 

  • No family swim sessions

    Over the first few weeks of opening, we won't be offering any family or disability family swimming sessions, these sessions are the hardest to control in terms of number attending and ensuring that people can social distance in the changing rooms. Our Under 5 sessions will still be running. 

    We will be offering a range of private hire sessions, for you to book the whole hydrotherapy pool out for your social bubble. These sessions, will still allow you to use the hydrotherapy pool with your family and friends, however will ensure that you don't come into contact with people outside your social bubble. 

    This will be reviewed in a few weeks time and if we feel it is safe to operate these sessions, we will be offering them. 

  • Private Hire Sessions

    We will be offering a range of private hire sessions, for you to book the whole hydrotherapy pool out for your social bubble. These sessions, will still allow you to use the hydrotherapy pool with your family and friends, however will ensure that you don't come into contact with people outside your social bubble. 

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