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July 2022

Hello All Swimmers,

I hope all swimmers are enjoying their last lesson of the year with some fun and games. For those that are yet to have their lessons we have lots of end-of-term fun planned! 

This newsletter is just to help round up our teaching term and to help you prepare for September. Please make sure you read all the information thoroughly

The last date for swimming lessons will be Sunday 24th July 2022 and we will resume on Monday September 5th 2022. Swimmers will stay in their current class, day and time unless you request a move or are contacted by the Swim School team. 

  • Members Hub/System update

    Over the summer months, we will be introducing the new and improved symphony system. Among other things, the updated system will make it easier for customers to view all details regarding their swimming lessons including progress, payments, term dates etc. 

    A new URL link to access the system will be circulated to all customers once the setup process is comple

  • Monthly DD/Recurring payment

    As many of you know we have had many issues with the Direct Debit over the last 12 months. As a result, we have decided that we will move away from Direct Debit payments for swimming lessons and instead move to a recurring payment method. This is similar to a Netflix or Amazon Prime payment system. It uses card details instead of bank account details. 

    We will still be operating a monthly payment that will be taken on the 1st of the month

    Moving to this payment method will give us more flexibility and control to make changes up to the day of charge. Meaning that credits for cancellations will be much quicker to receive in the event of cancellation  

    The new member's hub has also been built to try and make payments and credits clearer so you can see what you are paying each month. 

  • Fee increase

    Unfortunately due to the ever-increasing cost of energy, chemicals and wages for staff, we have had no choice but to increase fees from September. We have tried to keep this increase to a minimum as we fully understand that everyone is feeling the pinch right now. 

    Current Fee’s

    1 Swimmer - £31.30 Per Month

    2 Swimmers - £61.03 Per Month

    3 Swimmers  - £90.77 Per Month

    New Fee's - September 2022

    1 Swimmer - £33.33 Per Month

    2 Swimmers - £65.00 Per Month

    3 Swimmers  - £96.67 Per Month

    ** These fees include 5% discount for 2 or more swimmers booked

    These fees will take effect from 1st September 2022

  • New Multi Skills Class

    We are excited to announce that we will be trialing a new multi-skills session at Stonar school on a Sunday morning. These sessions will include a range of different swimming skills such as:

    • Diving
    • Personal Survival skills
    • Pool Bodyboarding
    • Water Polo
    • Rescue Skills
    • Pool Snorkeling 
    • And much more

    Swimmers will take part in one of these skills each week. These lessons will run for 30 minutes each week and will be charged inline with our monthly fee structure. While we are not taking bookings yet, to register your interest in these classes please use the form below. 

    For children to take part in these lessons they must have completed Jellyfish 2 and be happy in deep water 


We hope you all have a nice summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you all week beginning September 5th.  Over the summer holidays, my hours become a little adhoc. Therefore please bare with me if it takes me a little longer to reply to any messages.

Steph Westbrook
Director of Aquatics
Neptune Aquatic Solutions
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