Social Enterprise that is providing access to warm water pools for the community's benefit.

COVID 19 Rules for our Hydrotherapy Pools

Welcome back to the New Normal for our hydrotherapy pools

Last updated 09/12/2021

Hello Hydrotherapy users, below you will find lots of really important information about our sessions at our Hydrotherapy Pools. Please make sure that you read through all the sections prior to your first session. This has been put in place to ensure that we are COVID secure and can offer the safetest sessions we can. 

All information is correct at the time of writing, however please bear with us and things do get updated and changed as the government makes further announcements, at the top of the page you will see the date we last updated the blog and next to the rules you will see when they were last updated. 

If we do need to update this blog, you will be notified of the changes. 

COVID 19 and other contagious illness Symptom Free

If you have had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days, please do not attend your session, please contact track and trace and let us know via the Swimphony members hub.

A high temperature

this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature

A new, continuous cough

This means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

This means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

If you are suffering from any of the following, please don't attend your session as chlorine doesn't kill these infections. Please contact us and we can arrange a replacement session once you are feeling better. 
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea 
  • Chicken Pox
  • Scarlet Fever
  • Hand, foot and mouth
  • Ringworm

The basic rules

  • Social Distancing

    All users are reminded that social distancing inside and outside of the building should be adhered to in line with the latest UK Government regulations.

    Please make sure you give people space when moving around our venues.  

  • Booking Before Visits

    All sessions must be pre-booked via our website before you come to the hydrotherapy pool. 

    This allows us, should we need to, to provide details to track and trace and is a requirement by law for us to do. 

  • Arrive before your session

    Please can we ask users to arrive no more than 5 minutes before the start of their session? This will help us to control the number of people around the poolside. 

    If you need to use a changing bed, then please turn up no more than 10 before the start of your session.  

    Please wait for a member of staff to check you in at reception

  • One-way System

    All venues have a one-way system in place, please make sure you follow the one-way system at all times. Unless instructed by the poolside assistant to do something different.  

    Videos of the one way system can be found on the links above for each venue we use.

  • Facemasks - Updated 9/12/2021

    In line with government guidance, a facemask must now be worn when using our hydrotherapy pools (unless extempt) 

    Facemasks should be worn when:

    • Entering/Exiting the Building 
    • Moving around the building
    • When in the changing rooms
    • Whilst on poolside, unless you begin to feel unwell

    These rules will apply to anyone over secondary school age. 

    In the Water

    No Swimmer will be allowed to wear a facemask in the water. When a facemask gets wet it reduces its effectiveness. The disposable masks will disintegrate in the water and the fabric masks will take on water. This will cause the swimmers to breathe in chlorinated water droplets which after long-term exposure can cause damage to the lungs. 

  • Will the staff be wearing a facemask - Update 9/12/2021

    Inline with government guidance, All staff will be required to wear a facemask when undertaking certain duties within the building these include (but are not exclusive to):

    • Welcoming people at reception
    • Hosting users into the hydrotherapy pool
    • When undertaking cleaning duties in the changing rooms (when customers are present) 

    Staff are not required to wear a facemask (but may choose to) when undertaking duties such as:

    • General lifeguarding duties
    • Instructing exercise classes
    • Undertaking general admin duties in the office

  • Please attend beach ready

    Where possible, we are asking swimmers to come beach-ready. Changing rooms will still be available if they are needed.

    Beach ready means arriving at the facility already wearing your swimsuit with loose-fitting clothing that is easy to remove. If possible, also wearing beach-style footwear such as crocs or flip flops. Arriving beach ready will greatly reduce the time you spend in the changing rooms. 

    When you arrive at the facility there will be a beach-ready area that allows customers to quickly remove their top layer and move through to the poolside. 

    Our changing facilities will then mainly be used for people exiting the pool who need to towel off. Showers and toilets will continue to be in use for all swimmers

  • Spectators

    As you are aware many of our poolsides are limited for space.

    We, therefore, are continuing to ask parents to reduce the number of adults attending lessons to spectate.

  • QR codes for track and trace

    All venues will be displaying Track and Trace QR codes. for you to Scan with the NHS track and Trace app (if you have it and you wish to do so)

GOVERNMENT ADVICE - Buy your own equipment 
It has now been strongly suggested that all swimmers bring their own swimming equipment to use in sessions. This way only you will be touching that equipment and it will eliminate any cross contamination of equipment. 

If you wish to bring any equipment to use, We suggest you bring them in a bag which can be placed on poolside for you to access during your sessions (net bag would be best). We ask you to keep all equipment not in use in the bag and then take the bag with you when you leave the pool.

IMPORTANT: I must stress this is only a RECOMMENDATION and Neptune Aquatics venues will still provide all equipment for the sessions, should you not wish to purchase your own equipment 
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