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Discounted Aquatic Fitness and Hydrotherapy

From April 2023 we're offering bulk purchase options to help you save on your aquatic fitness and hydrotherapy sessions.

If you're looking to save on your regular Hydro4you, Hydro-cise or Hydro4fibro sessions, we're offering you the option to purchase your sessions in bulk, in advance, at a discounted price.

Save up to 28% by purchasing 4, 8 or 12 sessions in advance. The more sessions you buy the more you'll save! How you use your sessions is up to you, you could come once a month, once a week or even twice a week. You could come to the same session or even try new sessions or a combination of different sessions. 1 credit is valid for 1 session whatever you choose.

Our bulk-purchase sessions will be valid for the equivalent of 1 month for each session to allow you plenty of time to use them. Once you have used all your sessions you can purchase another batch of sessions in your own time. Choose 8 sessions to pay the same price as our 2022 prices or 12 sessions to save against our 2022 prices.

To purchase simply log into your account, select 'access online shop' and add 4, 8 or 12 Hydro Class/Session Credits to your basket. Once you've purchased the credits they'll be added to your account so you can book your sessions. Don't forget you can only book 2 weeks in advance, so you'll need to login and book your hydrotherapy or aquatic fitness to secure your space.

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2022-2023 Price April 2023 price Equivalent session price
Pay-as-you-go price £11 £13
4 sessions (valid for 4 months) £44 £11
8 sessions (valid for 8 months) - £80 £10
12 sessions (valid for 12 months) - £112 £9.33
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