Social Enterprise that is providing access to warm water pools for the community's benefit.

Covid-19 Update - 24.3.2020

COVID-19 Update for Swimming Lessons - 24.3.2020

Following the unprecedented announcement of last night (23.3.2020) from the Government, we have had a number of people contacting us querying what is happening with their Direct Debit. I wanted to clarify to you all our plans for the weeks and months ahead. I still have hope, however slight, that we will be able to commence with lessons after Easter. 

The below Action Plan has been put in place to ensure that your children have a Swim School to return to when this is all over. We are liaising with the Government to establish what financial help we are entitled to but, as you can imagine, this is a very long winded process. We want to ensure that Neptune survives this current situation and doesn't have to close its doors for good. Some other Swim Schools have already been forced to close down entirely. We do not want to be added to the list of closures. To ensure this, we need your help with following the Action Plan detailed below:

  1. The April Direct Debit will be collected as normal. We run a 40 week program and at the moment, we are planning to run catch up lessons for the weeks missed in May half term and the first week of the Summer holidays
  2. We will continue to review the situation and will make a decision IF we can return to lessons the week beginning 13th April 2020 (second week of the Easter holidays)
If we are closed towards the end of April and it looks likely it will continue into May the following will happen (decision to be made by the 25th April 2020) 
  1. If we have to close for only part of May 2020, but we will reopen later in May, your Direct Debit will be reduced to cover the missed lessons, the reduced amount will come out on the 1st May 2020
  2. If we have to close for all of May 2020, parents will be given the option to either cancel their Direct Debit or leave it running. If parents wish to keep it running, they will be offered a 5 day crash course for their child/children (usual price of £32.50). We are liaising with our venues to ensure that we can offer you these crash courses at all venues, further details will follow regarding this.
  3. If we get towards the end of May and we are still locked down, All Direct Debits will be cancelled. I am really hoping it won't come to this and we will be back a lot sooner. We will still be offering the Catch-up lessons and free Crash courses over the Summer holidays.
I know that some of you will be expecting some upcoming financial issues, with your jobs being at risk or if you are self employed in these uncertain times. Should this be the case, please contact Steph (through Swimphony) and we will work with you to help you out as best we can. Trust me, we are in the same position as you, we want every business and household to survive and come out of the other side of this. 

We have had a number of customers who have cancelled their Direct Debits at their bank without any communication with us. If you have done this, we will remove you from the Swimphony system and cancel your place on the Swim School. Should you wish to rejoin at a later date, you will be treated as a new customer and will be added to the waiting list for the next available spaces at that time. Please be aware, only people who have spoken to us regarding payments will retain their space on our Swim School. 

I wish to thank all of our customers for their continued support over the last few weeks, it has really meant the world to both myself and David. We already miss teaching so much and hope to get back to it before too long. 

Finally, Please look after yourselves and stay safe during this difficult time.

Kind Regards
Steph Westbrook
Neptune Aquatic Solutions 
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