Social Enterprise that is providing access to warm water pools for the community's benefit.

What is hydrotherapy?

Put simply, hydrotherapy is exercise in water, this exercise can range in intensity depending on your goals and fitness levels. Warm-water hydrotherapy takes place in specialised pools heated to 32-35 degrees, this temperature is much warmer than conventional swimming pools.

Why should I use a Hydrotherapy Pool?

There are many reasons why you might want to use a hydrotherapy pool. Here are just a few:

  • Pain relief: The warmth of the water helps to relax muscles and reduce inflammation, which can provide significant pain relief for people with conditions such as arthritis, back pain, and fibromyalgia.
  • Improved range of motion: The buoyancy of the water helps to support your weight, making it easier to move your joints and improve your range of motion. This can be especially beneficial for people who have had surgery or who have conditions that limit their mobility.
  • Increased muscle strength: The resistance of the water provides a gentle way to strengthen your muscles. This is ideal for people who are new to exercise or who have difficulty exercising on land.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Hydrotherapy can be a great way to get a cardiovascular workout without putting too much stress on your joints. This is ideal for people of all fitness levels.
  • Reduced stress: The warm water and relaxing environment can help to reduce stress and improve your mood. This can be beneficial for people who are dealing with chronic pain, anxiety, or depression.

What conditions can hydrotherapy treat?

Hydrotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. It can help those who are looking to improve fitness, feel relaxed and lose weight and is also invaluable for people who are living with life-long debilitating conditions. It can even help in recovery after surgery or injury. The list of things hydro can help with is long, here are just a few:

  • Arthritis 
  • Rehabilitation following surgery
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Neurological conditions
  • Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Strokes and head injuries
  • Sports injury
  • Stress
  • Fitness
  • Weight loss

If you want to learn more, fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in contact

Learn more about how Hydrotherapy can help you

01 Oct, 2021
Hydro4fibro our low-impact aquatic fitness session has been created especially for those who suffer from fibromyalgia. The session is led by one of our qualified Aquatic Fitness Instructor and combines a mixture of whole class exercises with station based activities. The gentle exercises are tailored to the needs of those who suffer from fibromyalgia, and you don't even need to be able to swim to join in. Every week our instructors will take the class through a series of individual and station based exercises designed to help you manage your fibromyalgia. Each session is tailored to the group’s needs, and if you feel a little fatigued one week you can reduce the intensity of the exercises to help you to cope. Hydro4fibro is a 45 minute session and our hoists are available, allowing all those with restricted mobility to access the classes. To allow you plenty of space to exercise the numbers in the water are limited.
by David Westbrook 08 Jul, 2021
Join our expert team as they discuss the wide ranging benefits of warm-water hydrotherapy.
28 Jun, 2021
Katherine's story Katherine from Weymouth was looking for something to kick start her fitness regime, but as she experienced some ongoing joint pain she was anxious about joining a gym. Here’s her story….. What were your reasons for starting hydrotherapy? “I started hydrotherapy as a gentle push-start to fitness. I have never been very active and as a result have gained lots of weight over the years. I had knee pain, back pain and calf pain. I knew I wouldn't walk into a gym as I find them very daunting but had always loved swimming. I also wanted something to boost my mental health so hydrotherapy seemed like a perfect solution! My children have their swimming lessons at a hydrotherapy pool so I thought I would give it a go” What changes and improvements have you seen? “Wow, so much changed for me! First things first my mood lifted dramatically. The hydrotherapy sessions are so much fun! My joint pains were easing and, to top it off, I was losing weight. I look forward to every single session and never thought I would ever hear myself say I couldn't wait for my next exercise session!” *We have changed our customer’s name’s at their request - but the stories are 100% real!
30 Jan, 2020
Mark's story Hydrotherapy has changed my life and made it possible for me to be a Dad to my two girls again. Simple things like pushing them on the swings, or enjoying a day at the beach which weren't possible before and now bring joy to my daily life. My back pain story "From a young age I've always worked in very physical jobs and from a young age I suffered with lower back pain. The pain got worse over the years and I managed with painkillers and physio. In 2017 my back finally gave out on me when my L4 and L5 discs herniated severely and left me with Cauda Equina which is a major problem. I was taken by ambulance to Southampton Hospital for decompression surgery and a MicroDisectomy on my vertabrae" "6 months later I was undergoing physiotherapy and having epidurals to help with the intense pain I was having. I was unable to work, which affected my self esteem, and I struggled to bend down and lift my two young daughters." My recovery "I started hydrotherapy at Poole hospital, beginning with one session a week and then increasing to two sessions per week. I always felt the sessions at the pool really helped me, and it was something I actually enjoyed. Being in the water helped my mental well being as well as feeling better physically. Within a few months I was back at work" "Unfortunately, the same back problem recurred and I was told that spinal surgery was the only real fix. During this time I also suffered with major issues with my Thyroid. The combination of all of these things affected my mental health and I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder and I underwent counselling and mindfulness sessions. Throughout this time my back pain continued and it was clear that surgery was my only option" "In January 2019 I underwent an extremely painful multi-level spinal fusion where the offending discs were removed and titanium spacers, cages, rods and screws inserted to hold me all together! The surgery was a success and has helped to greatly reduce the pain I feel on a day-to-day basis."
28 Jan, 2020
Whatever your health or fitness needs, Hydrotherapy can help you feel more like yourself again! Whether you have specific goals or you're simply looking to keep your body and mind in good health we can help you.
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